Six Shad Valley alumni will be competing throughout July and into August on Discovery Channel's QUBIT quiz show, which premiered July 4. The show will utilize new holographic technology, the first trivia show of its kind to do so. 70+ Contestants must answer a series of questions to reach the next level, competing for the ultimate prize of $10,000.
Among the contestants are the following Shad alumni (in order of air dates*):
Janice Takata-Shewchuk, Shad 1981 St. Andrew's College, July 8
Robbie Zuk, Shad 2007 Trent University, July 8
Craig Kaplan, Shad 1989 UBC, July 15
Eric LaForest, Shad 1992 Université Sherbrooke, July 22
Kristen Hahn, Shad 2001 UBC, August 5
Jordan Graham, Shad 2007 Memorial, August 8
*Episodes typically air at 6pm ET Wednesday and Saturday
Read about each contestant and learn more about Qubit by clicking on their website: